01/23/95 Overview This library allows the C programmer parse "ini" files for specific data. The ini files are expected to look like Window's ini files. i.e. [name] data=1 debug=yes [name2] port=2 etc. The user merely passes the filename, bracketed name, and the data name. The function will return the data to the right of the equal sign. The data is returned as a character string. However, for numeric data, the character string can be parsed using sscanf (C function) to read in the appropriate numeric data. I have enclosed a Small (ini_s.lib), Medium (ini_m.lib), and Large (ini.l.lib) Libraries along with a header file and a sample program. These libraries are donated to the CompuServe subscribers who have assisted me in the past... Anyone may use these libs as they see fit. The Libs were compiled under MSC V 6.0 The Test program was compiled using: cl /c /AS test.c Linked using link test.c,,,ini_s,, Enjoy the libs! Sam Saprunoff 73730,72